Silene burchellii Otth ex DC. var. schweinfurthii (Rohrb.) Täck. & Boulos |
Silene schweinfurthii Rohrb. |
CAI (Ge) |
CAIM(Ge) |
Shamso, thesis (1991)- |
Hosny et al., Taeckholmia 14:1-36(1992) - |
Täckholm, V. (1974) - |
El Hadidi, M.N. & Fayed, A.A. (1994/95) - |
Boulos, L. (1999) |
Shamso, E. (1991).Taxonomical and Ecological studies of the Egyptian species of Silene L. Silenoideae-Caryophyllaceae. Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Science, Cairo University |
Hosny, A., El Hadidi, M.N. & Shamso, E. (1992) Taxonomic studies of Silenoideae (Caryophyllaceae) in Egypt. 1. Systematic revision of the genus Silene L. Taeckholmia 14:1-36. |
Täckholm, V. (1974) Students' Flora of Egypt (ed. 2), Cairo University. |
El Hadidi, M.N. & Fayed, A.A. (1994/95). Materials for Excursion Flora of Egypt. Taeckholmia 15. |
Boulos, L. (1999) Flora of Egypt, vol. 1. Al Hadara Publishing, Cairo. |
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